
8:00 am - 8:50 am Lincoln A

TelVue Corporation User Group Breakfast: Ultra-affordable All-in-One Playout, New Mobile Scheduler & User Roles, Captioning & Accessibility, Integrated Streaming, Editing, CBB, and Archiving, Viewer Analytics, Apps and more!

Showcasing the latest and greatest from TelVue, including a peek into our broadcast products roadmap, all with the purpose of streamlining your workflow, saving you time, expanding your audience, increasing accessibility, and unlocking new sources of revenue.

Demos & topics will include: Ultra-affordable & scalable HyperCaster AIO+ All-in-One playout models; Redesigned, mobile-friendly scheduling pages for speed and scheduling from anywhere on any device; New 1-week and 4-day scheduling pages, Enhanced user access control & roles for schedulers and live event volunteers; HyperCaster integrated bulletin board, editing, streaming, and archiving; HyperCaster automatic social media integration & multistreaming (no expensive restreaming services required); Affordable, accurate live captioning with live translation and web accessibility for ADA compliance; Making your government meeting videos fully searchable with Caption Transcript Search; Viewer analytics to gain more insights into your streaming, mobile & OTT audiences; CloudCast player integrated full-view agenda/documents and channel schedules; New CloudCast streaming monetization options including pre-roll ads & paywall; Latest InfoVue digital signage features and more!

Bring your questions, feedback and feature requests. Great for existing users looking to get the most out of their TelVue systems, and prospects looking to upgrade from unsupported and cumbersome platforms, or insecure windows playout systems. Presenter: Jesse Lerman President/CEO, TelVue Corporation

Jesse Lerman
9:00 am - 9:50 am Lincoln B

Varto User Group Breakfast - TriCaster & NDI User Group: NAB Highlights & Interactive Forum

Discover the latest TriCaster and NDI advancements at our JAG Conference User Group session, where we'll kick off with an overview of the groundbreaking updates from the NAB Show in Las Vegas. Learn about innovative features such as HTML 5 Cloud Graphics and how they can revolutionize your live productions. Following this brief presentation, the session will transition into an interactive forum for both new and experienced TriCaster users. Participants can ask questions, discuss workflows, and learn from each other's experiences, with our presenter offering demonstrations and insights into real-life workflow scenarios. This engaging session provides an opportunity to connect with industry peers, share best practices, and stay ahead of the curve in live video production.

Presenter Yervant Keshishian- Technical Director and Sales Engineer, Varto Technologies

Yervant Keshishian
9:00 am - 10:30 am Windsor

Exhibitors Meet and Greet Breakfast Sponsored by DeSisti

9:00 am - 11:30 am Windsor

Exhibitors Display Opens

TelVue/ Varto Technologies/ Cologna Productions/ DeSisti Lighting/ NewTek-TriCaster/ LiveU/ MyCaseBuilder/ NJ Film Commission/ Swit Electronics/ Eiki Projectors & Panel Audio/ JVC/ G&G Technologies/ Panasonic PTZ/ Canon PTZ/ Drone-US made

10:00 am - 11:15 am Garden

Real-time Video Updates and Information During Critical Situations - Sponsored by LiveU

Respond faster and make informed tactical decisions, the key factors for all Police, Fire and OEM Situations. A panel of experts will discuss mission critical elements such as real-time video surveillance, bonded cellular technology, using drones in the field, along with The National Defense Authorization Act for fiscal 2024 that includes the American Security Drone Act, which prohibits the government from using federal funds to purchase drones made in China or certain other countries. Plus, we will discuss the collaboration between Local Government Access TV and the Office of Emergency Management (OEM) being highly effective in disseminating important messages to the community. Will include a live equipment demonstration.

Panelists: Alex Joice, VP of Solution Sales Engineering, LiveU; John Centanni, OEM Director of East Hanover; Louis Venezia, Bloomfield Fire Chief; Luis Figueiredo, Detective Elizabeth Police Dept.; Doug Seidel, Piscataway, TV; Yervant Keshishian, Sales Engineer, Authorized Trainer & Technical Director, Varto Technologies; Moderator: Bob Duthaler, President of JAG

Louis Venezia
John G. Centanni, Jr.
Doug Seidel
Luis Figueiredo
Alex Joyce
Bob Duthaler
Yervant Keshishian
11:30 am - 1:20 pm Windsor

Keynote Lunch - Sponsored by Planet Network

Guest Speaker: Mike Wassenaar, President & CEO, Alliance for Community Media Guest Speaker: Jesse Lerman, President/CEO, TelVue Corporation

12:00 pm - 1:15 pm Windsor

Why PEG Stations Should Care About the Broadband Deployment

Thanks to federal funds, Broadband Deployment will allow internet access to more people than ever, but what does that mean for PEG channels. It would seem that, the more people that have internet access, the better for us, but internet access is not cable access, so what can PEG stations do to ensure their signals are available to the widest audience possible. This panel will discuss the status of broadband deployment in the state and the implications for our channels. What is the future of cable distribution? Must we plan for over-the-top apps to reach new viewers and will this be the only way residents can access PEG channels in the future? Will we get more HD distribution? What are PEG stations doing nationally to maximize their availability? Are there new security issues if broadband is the only way to access to our stations? Panelists: Robert Boyle, CEO, Planet Networks; Mike Wassenaar, President & CEO, Alliance for Community Media; Ken Fellman Esq., founder and partner, Wilson Williams Fellman Dittman; Valarry Bullard, Broadband Director, New Jersey Board of Public Utilities; Moderator: Bob Duthaler, President, JAG

Valarry Bullard
Ken Fellman
Bob Duthaler
Robert Boyle
Mike Wassenaar
1:30 pm - 5:30 pm Windsor

Exhibitors Display Re-opens

1:30 pm - 2:15 pm Garden

ADA Compliance-Updates on the DOJ Rulings and Closed Captioning for Municipal Websites and PEG Channels

We had told our members back in December to start budgeting, just in case we must need to start captioning. What new information has come out that Municipalities and PEG stations need to be concerned about regarding Closed Captioning? Are PEG Channels still safe not to caption as stated under the FCC rulings, or is this something that is now a must now because of the DOJ's Rulings? How long do we have to comply with these rulings? What can we do if a station just doesn't have the funds to make this happen? What should we concentrate on when it comes to Captioning. (Public Meetings, Sports, Concerts, Etc.) Panelists: Mike Wassenaar, President & CEO, Alliance for Community Media; Jeff Bayne, partner, Spiegel & McDiarmid: Moderator: Dave Garb, Legislative Chair, JAG

Jeff Bayne
Dave Garb
Mike Wassenaar
1:30 pm - 2:15 pm Lincoln A

Is Your Municipality Ready for Prime Time

In recent years the amount of production centered in the garden state has grown exponentially generating millions of dollars in revenue in location fees for local towns and the merchants who are located where these film crews shoot. This theatrical production boom is only going to continue in the next few years as major studios come online in Jersey City and Monmouth County. Hear experts from the New Jersey Film and TV commission explain what production companies are looking for, how you can help sell your town as a location, and what it can mean for PEG and Community Channels as New Jersey becomes the Hollywood of the east. Panelists: Charles Riccardi. Operations & Creative Director, NJ Motion Picture & Television Commission; Elizabeth Parchment, Chief Marketing Officer, NJ Motion Picture & Television Commission; Lauren Concar Sheehy, Executive Director, Garden State Film Festival; Moderator: Geoffrey Belinfante, External Relations Chair, JAG

Elizabeth Parchment
Lauren Concar
Charles Ricciardi
Geoffrey Belinfante
2:30 pm - 3:15 pm Lincoln B

Beyond Cable: New Ways to Communicate w/your Citizens- Sponsored by TelVue

Municipal TV is not just cable anymore. We will discuss the various ways a municipality can communicate with their citizens beyond traditional cable television channels. The panel will explore and discuss new video trends in social media, live streaming and how access channels are entering the world of Over The Top (OTT) with their own channels on Apple TV, Roku and more. Panelists: Gina Forbes, Station Manager, Woodbridge TV; Jesse Lerman President/CEO, TelVue Corporation; Joe Fernandes, Assistant Supervisor,, Woodbridge TV; Brandon Uhlig, Station Manager, Metuchen Media; Panelists/Moderator: Bob Duthaler, Managing Partner, DNS Media Group

Gina Forbes
Picture of Brandon Uhlig Brandon Uhlig
Joe Fernandes
Bob Duthaler
Jesse Lerman
2:30 pm - 3:15 pm Garden

Understanding Franchising and What to Know When Renegotiating

What are the main differences between a State Franchise, and the ones negotiated at the municipal level? Which one is a better choice, and can a municipality have a say on which one they prefer? Nationally, what is being added or taken away in negotiated franchise agreements? Franchise monies are going down due to the streaming industry, what can we do during negotiations to curb this? We hear of bills being introduced around the country that are trying to force streamers to pay a per subscriber fee to municipalities. How is this going and if successful, what does that mean for the local access station? Panelists: Mike Wassenaar, President & CEO, Alliance for Community Media; Ken Fellman, Esq., founder and partner, Wilson Williams Fellman Dittman; Jeff Bayne, partner, Spiegel & McDiarmid; Moderator: Dave Garb, Legislative Chair, JAG

Jeff Bayne
Ken Fellman
Dave Garb
Mike Wassenaar
3:30 pm - 4:15 pm Windsor

Closed Captioning - Easy Solutions and Cost Considerations to Make it Happen

This workshop will explore the components TV facilities need to know to transition into incorporating Closed Captioning into your work flow. This includes products that are currently out there, ease of use and time constraints on the User, dual language abilities for the make-up of your community, the costs of incorporating it, and how does any FCC or DOJ rulings affect the operations of your products. Panelist: Jesse Lerman President/CEO, TelVue Corporation; Moderator: Geoffory Belinfante, External Relations Chair, JAG

Geoffrey Belinfante
Jesse Lerman
3:30 pm - 4:15 pm Lincoln A

How to Conduct a Great Interview: Interviewing Skills and Tips

Have you ever wondered how to prepare properly for an interview? How do you get the most out of your guest and avoid the single word answers? Learn how to effectively listen, react, and ask the right questions and the right time to ask them during an interview. Professional reporters from local channels in the New York/New Jersey Market will guide you through the steps to help make your next interview the best! Panelist: Kristina Behr, Emmy-winning Anchor and News Reporter; Panelist/Moderator: Don Smith, Station Manager,, Cranford TV

Don Smith
Kristina Behr
4:30 pm - 5:15 pm Windsor

Less Gear and Better Production - Sponsored by DeSisti

Streamlining your workflow in the field by minimizing gear and optimizing production can significantly enhance efficiency and make your work more manageable. We will discuss ways to Prioritize Essential Equipment (cameras, audio and lighting kit), Multifunctional Tools - a smartphone with a high-quality camera can eliminate the need for a second camera in many situations. Invest time in learning the ins and outs of your equipment. This familiarity will enable you to work more efficiently and troubleshoot issues quickly. By implementing these strategies, you can create a more nimble and efficient production workflow in the field, allowing you to focus on capturing high-quality content without being weighed down by excess gear. Plus learn about the latest gear to make this all possible! Panelists: Ed Cologna, Cologna Productions; Paul DeStefano, Northeast Regional Sales Manager, DeSisti; Northeast Regional Sales Manager, DeSisti; Yervant Keshishian, Sales Engineer, Authorized Trainer & Technical Director, Varto Technologies; Moderator/Panelist: Don Smith, Station Manager, Cranford TV

Don Smith
Edward Cologna
Paul A. Distefano
Yervant Keshishian
4:30 pm - 5:15 pm Lincoln B

New Programming Ideas for PEG stations

Tired of the same programs year after year? Is there content beyond town meetings and summer concerts. This panel might just give you some ideas for new programming opportunities to enhance your program schedule. Join fellow station managers who have found new stories to tell in their towns. Discover new sources of programming that you might have overlooked right in your own backyard. Panelists: Anthony Pagliuco, East Brunswick TV; Gina Forbes, Woodbridge TV; Abby Wilson, Production Manager, C-NET, State College, PA; Moderator: Geoffory Belinfante, External Relations Chair, JAG

Abby Wilson
Geoffrey Belinfante
Anthony Pagliuco
Gina Forbes
5:30 pm - 6:30 pm Windsor

Cocktail Reception w/vendors - Sponsored by Cologna Productions

6:30 pm - 10:00 pm Garden

JAG Banquet and JAG Awards - Sponsored by Varto Technologies and LiveU

Special Presentations-Organizational Member: Serving Community Media Award: TBA

Legislator of the Year: Senator Cory Booker

JAG Awards- Host: George Fairfield, JAG Awards Chair

Community Recognition Award Lisa Allen, Council President, City of Summit

JAG Member Recognition: TBA

President’s Ovation Awards: TBA