JAG Awards Only (Non Members)



JAG Banquet: Entertainment sponsored by Cologna Productions/Banquet sponsored by VARTO Technologies

A celebration of all that JAG has accomplished to advocate, promote, and preserve the right to media production, distribution, civic engagement, and education in support of diverse community voices, through Public, Educational and Government access facilities and other forms of media.

JAG Recognition Awards: Lee Beckerman is one of the founding members of JAG from its first meeting to serving on the executive board for over 18 years. Lee was involved with the writing of JAG’s first mission statement, goals and policies and procedures. Lee served as the 2nd president of JAG and has been on the production committee from the beginning. Lee has dedicated thousands of hours in the last 30+ years serving to the betterment of this organization and the PEG TV industry. Lee is the Station Manager of the Woodbridge Channels that is one of the first municipal stations in New Jersey.

Entertainment: Simon Mandel returns to JAG’s Banquet. Simon Mandal is one of the most in demand illusionists in the world today. Simon combines incredible feats of skill with hilarious interactive routines that bring the house down, and make the volunteers he brings on stage look like and feel like stars.

JAG Awards: The JAG Awards are annual awards, facilitated by the Jersey Access Group that honors excellence in local & regional Public Education Government (PEG) programming. Categories cover a variety of programming including, among others, community events, documentary, talk show, sports, and entertainment. The Jersey Access Group is very proud of the programming all PEG Stations produce and is honored to host the JAG Awards each year.

President’s Ovation Awards: Bob Duthaler, the President of The Jersey Access Group will present the President’s Ovation Award to a member and/or board member of JAG in acknowledgement of their unrelenting commitment to the members of the Jersey Access Group and the operation of public, education, and government communication facilities.


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