JAG President
Industry veteran Bob Duthaler's experience includes work for MTV Networks, Fox, NBC, and Comedy Channel. He has developed over a dozen TV game shows, worked on Comedy specials for HBO, Showtime and Lifetime Network, and developed the talk show "Never Too Late", hosted by Dr. Ruth Westhiemer. He earned the "Game Show of the Year" ACE Award for "Turn It Up", a musical trivia game show for MTV.
In 2002, Duthaler founded his production company, Duke Multimedia. Past and present municipal clients include Bloomfield, Metuchen, Sparta, Saddle Brook, Montclair, City of Summit and Summit HomeTowne TV. He is currently the managing partner of DNS Media Group, which operates and consults for several municipal television channels. Productions overseen by Duke have earned 8 Telly Awards, and PEG Stations under Duthaler's guidance have won over ten JAM Video Awards, which recognize excellence and outstanding video for local access television.
Duthaler is again the Chairmen of the Board of Trustees and President for Jersey Access Group, a statewide organization representing New Jersey's local channels, after serving as the organization's president from 2003-2013. He is also the Chairperson of the New Jersey Chapter of NATOA (National Association of Telecommunications Officers and Advisors), and a member of the National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences (The Emmys). He is a graduate of Bloomsburg University.
Municipal TV is not just cable anymore. We will discuss the various ways a municipality can communicate with their citizens beyond traditional cable television channels. The panel will explore and discuss new video trends in social media, live streaming and how access channels are entering the world of Over The Top (OTT) with their own channels on Apple TV, Roku and more. Panelists: Gina Forbes, Station Manager, Woodbridge TV; Jesse Lerman President/CEO, TelVue Corporation; Joe Fernandes, Assistant Supervisor, Woodbridge TV; Brandon Uhlig, Station Manager, Metuchen Media; Panelists/Moderator: Bob Duthaler, Managing Partner, DNS Media Group
Respond faster and make informed tactical decisions, the key factors for all Police, Fire and OEM Situations. A panel of experts will discuss mission critical elements such as real-time video surveillance, bonded cellular technology, using drones in the field, along with The National Defense Authorization Act for fiscal 2024 that includes the American Security Drone Act, which prohibits the government from using federal funds to purchase drones made in China or certain other countries. Plus, we will discuss the collaboration between Local Government Access TV and the Office of Emergency Management (OEM) being highly effective in disseminating important messages to the community. Will include a live equipment demonstration. Moderator: Bob Duthaler, President of JAG
As public access channels and community media networks evolve to meet the demands of a digital-first world, building, expanding, or updating PEG (Public, Education, and Government) facilities has become a critical focus for municipalities, non-profits, and local broadcasters. This round table session aims to bring together experts, facility managers, media professionals, and policy makers to discuss the strategic, technical, and operational challenges of developing modern PEG facilities that can effectively serve their communities Moderator: Bob Duthaler, President of JAG