May 26 – 12PM How to Make An Award Winning Video

With the tools to create video available to anyone with a cellphone, it’s never been more challenging to produce award winning productions. Mike Kostel, the Executive Director of the New York office of the National Academy of Arts and Sciences and an Emmy award winning producer will share with us his thoughts on what makes an award-winning television production. We’ll discuss things like choosing a compelling subject; how to structuring a show for maximum impact; what storytelling techniques can you use to entertain and inform: and how do you work with a production team post Covid.

May 26 – 2:30PM Interview Tips and Tricks

Daniel Glick, a seasoned documentary filmmaker, will talk about his process of making and developing projects – both short form and feature length – and the many challenges and rewards that come with the process. He will also talk about the value of using the documentary form in marketing for businesses, an approach that can be useful for townships and nonprofits too.