May 24 – 10AM Documentary Storytelling and Short Marketing Videos

Are you thinking about going live from remote locations? This session we will discuss ways you can broadcast remotely and stream to social media. Learn from those who are successfully doing it, what problems they ran in to and how they solved them. We will discuss technology used, how to work with onsite personnel and more. If you are looking to stream live single or mult-camera productions, this is a must attend session

May 24 – 1:45PM Ask the Lawyers

There is a lot of interesting things happening in community media. Broadband, the 6th Circuit Court cable franchise decision, closed captioning, rights of way as well as FAA new rules on drones. Join, ask, or just listen to the lawyers, as they relate to you what is exactly going on and how it may affect your world in the very near future.

May 24 – 3PM Lighting isn’t for exposure – it’s for communication

Award Winning cinematographer David Landau will give a workshop on how to use lighting as a storytelling element. Different interviews can call for different lighting, based on how we want the viewer to perceive what is being said. A better understanding of light and how lighting affects the perceptions of the viewer will help you create better images that communicate what you want the viewer to feel and think about what they are watching. All of this can be accomplished without large amounts of lighting units as David will demonstrate.