12:00pm: Affinity Lunch

12:00pm: Affinity Lunch

Take a virtual seat at one of the lunch tables. This is an opportunity to participate in a networking group with colleagues and consult with vendors that are members of JAG. These vendors compile JAG’s technical assistance group and provide an invaluable service that helps steers content creation and distribution. You will be able to address question specific to your needs and understand the options available to resolve your situation.

Closed Captions (Daniell Krawczyk, Brandon Dittman)

What are the current expectations for providing closed captioning by your PEG facility?  How might they change, and when?  What do you need to do?  This is your opportunity to have a conversation with a closed captioning provider to explore the options.

Content Delivery/Multi-Platform (Jesse Lerman, Randy Visser)

Keep up with the ever changing media landscape as we share methods of receiving and delivering content to the communities we serve. Learn different options for cloud sharing, live streaming via social media and web and OTT.

Understanding NDI, SRT, RTMP  (Yervant Keshishian)

What are these and how can they save you money; offer new techniques; and provide options for remote sports production, including robotic cameras, remote switching, & cloud graphics?  Can these assist a one-man-band production, especially with public meeting and distribution in a virtual world?

Enhancing your Presence for Cord-Cutters (Rush Beesley)

With people “cutting the cord” of reliance on cable TV, the migration to OTT Streaming Services has been steady and swift. The expanded presence your channel will have through the appropriate implementation of a streaming workflow will benefit everyone in your community, getting your important message to a much larger and more contemporary audience

Social Media (Doug Seidel, Dustin Dumas)

Join members of JAG’s external relations committee to discuss the importance of a social media presence.  What are the benefits of each platform?  How do you start a profile?  What is TikTok? We will talk all things social media, so get ready to talk #hashtags. 

Legal Issues Facing Community Media (Ken Fellman, Nancy Werner)

Community media is facing a few issues at this time that could very well impact station budgets and operations in the very near future.  President Biden has certain priorities for the FCC and the 6th Circuit Court has made a decision on the 621-cable franchise order, though there is pending legislation in Congress that could fix this order.   Let’s not forget that Closed Captioning is still looming on the horizon and there was a public access court decision on first amendment rights and the need for cable companies to carry PEG channels is at the forefront.  If you want to stay informed and ahead of the pressing matters that could revolutionize community media as we know it, please join this session.