Video: Roundtable Panel Discussion on the Future of PEG Television: Where do we go from here?

Video: Roundtable Panel Discussion on the Future of PEG Television: Where do we go from here?

The total number of vaccinations to fight Covid-19 across the country have been increasing steadily the last several months, and now our communities are determining how to re-open facilities closed by the pandemic.

That’s the discussion happening at media centers and PEG channels across the US as well.  And the questions about protocols and requirements for opening are complex.

We’ll be hosting a discussion with community media operations about re-opening and the challenges we face.  Join us with your questions and the solutions you are thinking about. 

George McCollough, is currently Executive Director of Princeton Community Television, in Princeton, NJ. He has over 25 years experience in community media and was the former Station Manager and founder of DUTV Drexel University educational access channel. As an independent filmmaker he produced award-winning documentaries such as Laid to Waste (Silver Apple Award, National Educational Film Festival ’97; World Population Film and Video Festival Award) and Prison Dialogues (Platinum Award, WorldFEST). Other work includes “All for the Taking: 21st Century Urban Renewal,” “No Pipeline.” He also has produced many short films including Image and Faith and PEB. His work has also been featured at the Princeton Environmental Film Festival. Graduate of Temple University and Montgomery County Community College.