Municipal Captioning

Municipal Captioning

Meeting ID: 683 146 7023 Passcode: 444818

Municipal Captioning has been helping cities, counties, and PEG stations tackle the thorny problem of adding captions to either just meetings or the entire channel. We work with all of the leading caption technology companies and offer the ability to compare the pricing and features of systems from these companies, along with a Municipal Discount for all Local Government Orgs and the PEG channels that serve them. We have talented PEG engineers across the country who are familiar with your existing playback solution and can install and train on whichever the captioning solution you decide upon.  We simplify the entire process from gathering 3 or more competing quotes, testing solutions using YOUR content, and all steps of the implementation, and we stick with you until the captions are appearing on your cable channels AND live streams. MC Founder, Daniell Krawczyk, has worked with PEG stations since 2001 and is focused entirely on the needs of PEG Channels and the municipalities they serve. We serve you so you can better serve your citizens.

Municipal Captioning Inc just moved in to a permanent virtual trade show booth, and we will be giving away swag and offering FREE PEG THERAPY (you talk, we listen, you can vent and we can, if desired, offer encouraging words). Municipal Captioning also has a special Cameo video from one of NJ’s greatest PEG-exports which will be shown nationally later but for now is just for our virtual booth attendees. AND OF COURSE, Municipal Captioning Inc will give you helpful info for comparing captioning solutions and “ONE CRAZY TRICK” for protecting yourself from having to rebuild your whole workflow if you get an ADA complaint for not having traditional, professional human captioning. 

June 8

1pm -2pm  – We start excited and full of energy.

2pm-3pm  – 2’o Clock toast in honor of “the Glenn Jones radio show” and we get a second wind.

3pm-4pm  Late afternoon coffee and chocolate bar to power through. End on a high note.

June 9

1pm -2pm – Back at it again, this time with soul.

2pm -3pm – midday dance break – funky NJ tracks keep there tradeshow booth alive.

3pm-4pm – this is the part where I am so thankful people are still coming by that I give out special swag that is still mid-production to anyone who comes in this final hour.

Anyone who comes earlier and then comes back between 3-4pm gets a treat in the mail.