6:00pm: Wrap-Up/Networking

6:00pm: Wrap-Up/Networking

JAG appreciates your support and want to say thanks. Join us and you might win one of our incredible door prizes that have been provided by our sponsors. (Must Be Present To Win) Thank you for attending this year’s Eastern Video Expo. Thanks to the Conference Committee: Bob Duthaler & Geoffery Belafonte, Co-Chairs, George Fairfield, Vice Chair, Linda Besink, Treasurer, Doug Seidel, Media Manager, Dave Garb, Dave Ambrosy, Anthony Pagliuco, Jeff Arban, Stephanie Gibbons, & Rich Desimone. Thanks to TelVue, Cablecast, Varto Technologies, Didja, Municipal Captioning, Planet Networks, RUSHWORKS, DeSisti, and DNS Media Group for their support.